GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareFitnesstracker (Smartwatch)
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admin 03.08.2020 18:08:15 UTC

Hi Karsten, you can use smartwatches with Wear OS - but check if it's REALLY waterproof, IP68 is usually not enough for swimming.

You can install Run.GPS on the smartwatch and use it in offline mode to track a swimming session.

This is not very accurate though, maybe it's a better idea to use a cheaper fitness watch suitable for swimming and then just manually enter distance / calories / time in
Kalle2205 21.07.2020 20:49:30 UTC geändert am 21.07.2020 20:50:55 UTC

Hello, would like to ask, which cheap fitness tracker, smartwatch, android software is compatible with my Run GPS Full Pro app? Want to record also swimming. Thank you in advance for the answers, Greeting Karsten
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