GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS GeneralDownload does not work
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FredC 14.09.2020 21:40:17 UTC

Works indeed again
Jerre0107 14.09.2020 20:28:43 UTC

seams to be solved. The cert has been replaced and the upload/download functions in the app do work again.
Jerre0107 14.09.2020 09:22:55 UTC


Same problem here. I think it is due to the expired certificate (valid till 11/09/2020) I can't downlad nor upload anything in the app.

Wuschel_ 13.09.2020 13:35:06 UTC

FredC 13.09.2020 09:41:21 UTC

Download in app doesn't work

Sure that the password is correct, but the app gives an authentication error when i try to download the download cart onto my mobile
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