GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS GeneralOngoing Data Restore
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Wuschel_ 27.02.2024 15:56:48 UTC

Bereits das Training vom 23.02, ca. 11 Uhr war unvollständig. Dito 24, 25. und auch der 26.2.
Alles vollständig jetzt nach erneutem hochladen.

Das Training heute war sofort fehlerfrei.
admin 26.02.2024 23:05:04 UTC

Still having some trouble with the storage. Some of the data uploaded since last Saturday 24th and today, Monday 26th has been lost (only imagery and route details, stuff stored in the database is complete). Please upload these trainings again from the app, if you miss data.
admin 25.02.2024 10:13:23 UTC

Ongoing Data Restore

Dear Run.GPS users,
Yesterday (Sa 24th) we experienced the defect of a storage device. Data restore is still ongoing (1,5 TB) and will take until tomorrow. During that time, imagery and other data from training uploads will be missing. The data is restored in alphabetical order and the process is currently at letter "P" (first letter of the account name, e.g. "Paula7234").
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