GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS HardwareHxM speed/distance accuracy
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fred.necke 27.03.2021 19:13:06 UTC

140 spm is good for running

I also use the trusty Zephyr HxM and my steps seem reasonable. I checked by jogging for 1min up and down my street and counted my steps, about 120spm because I'm old and lazy :-).
I noticed when I exported a TCX file to another program the cadence doubled because it thought I was cycling. Cycling triggers each revolution of crank from magnet only on one pedal, left foot and right foot for 1 revolution trigger = half of running triggers (bump for left foot, bump for right foot) from the HxM accelerometer.
Steps per min = 2x revolutions per min.
seschaum2 11.03.2021 14:43:56 UTC

HxM Cadence not usefull

I do own my HxM a long time now... and had to change my running app this year..
Had before SportsTrackLive (the old paid version)
Now my cadence speeds (steps per minute) are unreasonable high - I had around 70 with STL and now around 140 with run.gps ... why?
Speed is configured for GPS - on my old trusty LG Google Nexus 5 (32GB + Android 10) and was perfectly working with STL before - and speed and distance records are also OK!

What can I do?
Also sorry for digging out such old thread..

boedecker 28.04.2014 11:31:50 UTC geändert am 30.04.2014 12:53:21 UTC

Calibration HxM

any news about that?
gmngueko 30.12.2009 20:09:33 UTC

I'am trying to calibrate

I'am trying to calibrate with my own little software I made.
I might need beta tester by the way, if I'am able to finish before the end of my holidays.
see my other thread:
fred.hach 30.12.2009 19:38:46 UTC

HxM accuracy

Last week I used my old HTC Kaiser, without GPS and I found the same failure, I was running aprox. 7 km and 10 are monitored.
gmngueko 13.10.2009 00:49:05 UTC

HxM accuracy

after some tests I see a constant 30 % overestimation of the speed and distance while running.
what are other people reporting on this ?
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