GPS-Sport ForenRun.GPS CommentsWindows Phone 7.8 Samsung Omnia 7
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chellorider 08.10.2013 20:39:39 UTC

Continuation of a Training session using a specific Route

Thanks. Tried it out this evening and it worked very well. Thanks again.
admin786557 08.10.2013 08:22:04 UTC

Yes, that is right. But you can also do this vice versa...
chellorider 07.10.2013 15:09:42 UTC

Thanks for the rsponse. So to clarify, I load the Training, to continue adding to the data I started, then load the Route which enables me to navigate as well?
admin786557 07.10.2013 14:56:22 UTC

Yes, you can load the route using Main Menu >> Navigation >> Route.

Run.GPS will automatically jump to the right spot in the route.

chellorider 06.10.2013 19:51:30 UTC

keepin the route?

Tried this out today with a 160km ride which needed three batteries! Worked very well and got the whole ride. Only issue is that I was had loaded the gpx file for the ride and was navigating by it. This worked fine with the original battery of course but after changing to the next I lost the route therefore no navigation was available. Is it possible to retain the route as well?
chellorider 01.10.2013 22:02:59 UTC

Okay, thanks for the info. I'll try that.
admin786557 01.10.2013 10:33:12 UTC

Yes, this is possible.

After changing the battery, go to Main Menu >> Training Log. Then choose a training and select "Load Training". The activity will be continued ...
chellorider 30.09.2013 14:53:09 UTC

Basic usage works well

I am successfully using this to record gps tracks (speed and climb data) and also downloading routes to follow using the Navigate features. Works well. Only issue I have is my smartphone battery runs out after 2 hours so my ride data gets split when I change battery. Is there a way of stitching the ride parts together I wonder?
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