GPS-Sport ForenGPS-Sport Wishlist / Ideas
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Hall of fame - Ruhmesall Hall of fame - Ruhmesall 13.04.2020 09:02:50 UTC 1 Ussi
Verlaufsdiagramm Aktivitätslevel Verlaufsdiagramm Aktivitätslevel 11.09.2017 09:00:50 UTC 5 ttonk
Export all trainings Export all trainings from GPS-Sport for backup 04.09.2017 15:34:10 UTC 6 pdo65
Cadence Make cadence for running or biking visible on the detail page 03.04.2017 13:06:21 UTC 1 pdo65
Fahrradklingel 13.11.2016 11:35:50 UTC 1 user_1195658638
go to specific date in training log 10.08.2016 15:33:13 UTC 2 wadlbeisser
Android notification bar Notification bar and Ant+ profiles 07.01.2016 11:09:58 UTC 7 carlos
Aktivitätsstufe ausblenden 03.01.2016 09:47:22 UTC 1 user_1195658638
Request: Sync two-ways with other popular health tracking apps like Google fit 13.11.2015 14:45:07 UTC 9 wodge80
Training Center XML Import Training Center XML (*.tcx) 18.09.2015 22:19:34 UTC 39 margay
Bulk upload 02.09.2015 12:35:09 UTC 3 kielstra
Selected parts of a track - Marked in map and zoom in for more details 31.08.2015 12:12:29 UTC 2 Davidos
Detailed training analysis 08.05.2015 11:44:35 UTC 19 Slogfester
Foto Upload Pfad manuell festlegen 08.05.2015 10:09:37 UTC 2 Jense74
Option TCX Export 07.05.2015 11:04:49 UTC 4 Matel71
Shoes, Max. and avg. Heart Rate should be stored It want to be able to store heart rate values with a training and to track shoes mileage 11.04.2015 17:52:48 UTC 15 kaspernase
Running smoothness 27.03.2015 20:43:34 UTC 3 Matel71
Community Diagramm Darstellung der zeitlichen Entwicklung der Aktivitätsstufen 23.02.2015 14:24:35 UTC 1 Ulrich.Romahn
[MUST] Active and Passive Training Distance Visibility Active and Pasive time shown. but not distance of both 06.08.2014 12:00:39 UTC 2 Mantelis
Trainingsdiagramme detailliertere Auswertung der Diagramme 29.07.2014 09:57:53 UTC 7 SteffenK
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